EngenuitySC is an economic development nonprofit focused on enhancing the Mindlands' competitiveness and prosperity.
Outside view of the EngenuitySC brochure.
Client: EngenuitySC
Role: Graphic Designer
EngenuitySC is an economic development nonprofit focused on enhancing the Midlands' competitiveness and prosperity.
Inside view of the EngenuitySC brochure.
Client: EngenuitySC
Role: Graphic Designer
NuHub maximizes the economic and job creation impact of the nuclear industry on the midlands of South Carolina. This informative sheet informs the public of NuHub's objectives, initiatives and how to become involved.
Client: NuHub, an initiative of EngenuitySC
Role: Graphic Designer
iTs|SC fosters a collaborative and competitive environment to grow the insurance technology and services industry and increase prosperity in the region.
View of informative brochure.
Client: iTs|SC, an initiative of EngenuitySC
Role: Graphic Designer
Science Café discusses the latest ideas in science and technology in a free-form, non-traditional academic context. The Café hopes that it will enlighten and inspire people to take an interest in the sciences.
Client: Science Cafe, an initiative of EngenuitySC
Role: Graphic Designer
iTs|SC fosters a collaborative and competitive environment to grow the insurance technology and services industry and increase prosperity in the region.
Informative handout of Leadership Insurance Course
Client: iTs|SC, an initiative of EngenuitySC
Role: Graphic Designer